5 Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Website’s Conversion Rate

New Orleans Website Designer - Proven Strategies to Skyrocket Your Website’s Conversion Rate

Are you a business frustrated with underperforming digital campaigns? Are you scratching your head and wondering why your website traffic is high but conversions are low? Is your advertising lacking results, and you feel you are aimlessly wasting precious marketing dollars? If this sounds like your situation, you may be overlooking the power of conversion rate optimization.

Conversion rate optimization (CRO) is the key to unlocking your website’s full potential. Systematically improving your site’s ability to convert visitors into customers can lead to significant revenue growth without the need for additional traffic. For your convenience, we have created a CRO playbook (below) with proven strategies you can quickly implement on your website. 

If you are looking for exceptional website design, don’t hesitate to contact NOLA Media Design today. We are a New Orleans-based web design, graphic design and marketing studio serving entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes, primarily on an off-site, as-needed basis. 

Build Trust and Credibility

There is no better way to increase your website’s conversion rate than building trust among potential customers. Trust is earned through transparency, ultimately requiring social proof that your brand is committed to excellence. Don’t leave reviews up to chance. Instead, actively manage your online reputation by building monthly reviews on major platforms such as Google, Yelp, BBB, etc. Then showcase these reviews on your website with automatic plugins that feed to your home page, contact us page, etc. 

We also recommend joining industry associations, participating in charities, and registering with your local chamber of commerce. Once you have engrained yourself in these communities, display your membership with a banner that links back to their websites. Combining authentic customer feedback with recognized affiliations creates a compelling narrative of trustworthiness that resonates with your target audience and increases conversion rates.

Your Website Must Be Easy To Navigate

Digital marketing is equal parts art and science. There is no set of rules for designing your website, and, of course, you should exercise creativity to make yours unique and stand out. However, all successful websites consistently do the same thing: they have a well-structured, intuitive navigation hierarchy guiding the user experience. When visitors can seamlessly move from your home page to product pages and finally to checkout or reservation, you’re creating a frictionless path to conversion. 

Website visitors are not created equal. Some visitors may be serious purchasers and already know your brand. Others may have stumbled upon an interesting blog from a social post, organic search result, or any other digital marketing channel. What’s important is you have a logical menu structure, strategically placed call-to-actions, and clear messaging, directing users to their desired destination without frustration and confusion. This smooth journey not only enhances user experience but also boosts your bottom line. 

Powerful Questions and Action-Oriented Language

Your website isn’t just a digital business card; it’s a powerful sales tool waiting to be unleashed. To truly connect with your audience, you must put yourself in their shoes and see the world through their eyes. To solve their problems, you must first ask powerful questions that tap into their desires and needs. Your website visitors should leave feeling that you understand their pain points and that you are the answer they’ve been looking for. 

For example, if you own an auto body shop, asking the following questions helps the website visitor envision you solving their problem. 

  • Can’t afford to waste time with your car in an auto body shop while you drive around in a rental? We have the fastest turnaround times in the industry.
  • Have you experienced lousy repair work in the past? Don’t worry—we have a warranty policy on all repair work to ensure 100% customer satisfaction. 

In addition to asking powerful questions, transform your website copy with action-oriented language that compels visitors to engage. Replace passive phrases with active ones to initiate a sense of urgency and excitement. Whether you want your visitors to make a purchase, sign up for a newsletter, or download a brochure, direct their needs and attention with action-oriented language for conversion rate optimization. 

Website Speed Optimization 

Slow website loading speed is the one thing that can kill your website visitor’s attention and trust the fastest. When your website loads slowly, it frustrates users, resulting in soaring bounce rates. It’s like getting in your car, but the engine won’t start. Eventually, you would look for a new car. 

By investing time and resources into speed optimization, you’re setting your business up for success by enhancing user experience and being rewarded by Google for better SEO. Leveraging caching systems, minifying CSS and Javascript, and image optimization are several things you can immediately do to enhance performance. You can check your website’s speed with Google’s free PageSpeed Insights. If you require a new website, don’t hesitate to contact NOLA Media Design. We specialize in creating stunning websites with fast loading times and CRO best practices. 

Cohesive Brand Guidelines Throughout Your Website

Establishing cohesive brand guidelines throughout your website is crucial for creating a memorable presence and increasing conversion rates. Building a powerful, unified brand experience will leave a lasting impression on your audience and set you apart from the competition. Several things you can do to create a cohesive aesthetic include:

  • Ensure your logo is prominently displayed at the header and footer of all pages. 
  • Carefully select topography for headings, body text, and call-to-action fonts. 
  • Implement a harmonious color code across your pages.
  • Repeat catchphrases and tag lines to reinforce brand concepts and benefits. 

What you don’t say is equally crucial for your brand’s personality. Potential customers don’t want to be rushed or tricked into making a purchasing decision. You should have “negatives” or things you never mention in your brand guidelines. For example, avoid policy jargon, guarantees, and discussing the competition. 


There are no rules for creating a prosperous website that acts as a sales funnel; however, fundamental best practices exist. We hope the above information boosts conversion rate optimization and drives business growth and success. 

If you are looking for exceptional website design, don’t hesitate to contact NOLA Media Design today. We are a New Orleans-based web design, graphic design and marketing studio serving entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes, primarily on an off-site, as-needed basis.