Overview of Products & Services...this is what we do

NOLA Media and Design has been providing outsourced design and marketing solutions for more than 20 years. Our goal is to build long term relationships with our clients by providing affordable, creative and effective support on a remote, off-site basis. Our products and services are designed and proven to enhance the growth, exposure and branding of businesses of all sizes.

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER – to ensure a positive and efficient experience for all, it’s vital our prospects & clients have a general understanding of the services we provide, the 3rd party products we implement, optimize and manage, and how we conduct business.

We’ve created this page to address the frequently asked questions we receive about the processes involved. More in-depth information about the products and services we provide is available below or via the navigation menu at the top of each page on our website. 

NOTE: By accepting a proposal or requesting support, you are acknowledging that you have read and fully understand the information we have provided below regarding the Services and Support we provide, Website-Related 3rd Party Products and our Terms & Conditions

To get answers to your questions, request a quote, or ongoing support: contact us or schedule a call

  • From 1 page (landing page) to 100+ page website design based on client-provided content.
  • Fully responsive on all devices.
  • Slideshows, galleries, embedded videos, contact forms, internal/external hyperlinks as needed.
  • Client-provided content enhancement/optimization included.
  • Content writing/research – $39/hour
  • Initial design phase for basic sites: 30 days. Billable hours incur afterwards.*
  • Websites are built on the WordPress platform.
  • Website security installed and configured. 
  • Basic speed optimization + image compression software installed and configured.

    Online store/shopping carts and reservation platforms with inventory management, shipping integration, secure checkout and stats/analytics.

*Once a design sample is provided and approved, the client has 30 days to provide their content and modifications/requests to complete the site. After 30 days, changes/updates and support is provided either by hourly rates or via a Prepaid Reduced Rate plan.

Learn More + View Our Portfolio

We are seeing drastic increases in legal action being taken against non-ADA-complaint websites. Each and every business website that does not have ADA Compliance software installed and fully configured is at risk.

Not being ADA compliant can cost any business, regardless of size or industry up to $75k for a single ADA violation, raising that fine to $150k for additional violations.

Our Website ADA Compliance Service Includes

  • ADA Compliance software installed and configured.
  • 50+ tasks performed on each page and element of your website in accordance with WCAG 2.0 conditions.
  • Full accessibility for visitors that are blind, deaf and those that navigate by voice or other screen readers.
  • COST: < 5 pages: $375, 6-10 pages: $475, 11-15 pages: $575, 15-20 pages: $675, 21-30 pages: $775
  • Ongoing maintenance may be needed to monitor compliance and software updates. This support is included in our Ongoing Support plans, or can be provided on an hourly, as-needed basis as updates are issued. 


There are frequently issued WordPress software, core and .php updates that must be performed regularly in order to maintain the integrity, functionality and security of a website. To learn more about this, we encourage you to read the information provided here: The Importance of Website Maintenance.

After your website is designed and launched, we offer ongoing support options:

  • Hourly/as-needed:  $35/hour (off-site) $75/hour onsite
    Offered on an as-needed off-site basis. Onsite support is available is some circumstances, subject to availability.
  • Prepaid WordPress System Maintenance: $365/year 
    Includes core, theme, php and plugin software updates, database backups, security scans and troubleshooting/fixes of the WordPress system. These updates can incur anywhere form 10-30 hours per year.
  • Prepaid WordPress Maintenance + Content Updates: 20 hrs: $539 | 40 hrs: $952  | 60 hrs: $1295 | 90 hrs: $1795 
    In addition to the above WordPress Maintenance Plan, WordPress Maintenance + Content Updates Reduced Rate Prepaid Plans include ongoing website content updates, and/or any graphic design or marketing support you may need. Plans cannot be used for logo design, initial website design/redesign, ongoing social media marketing campaigns or search engine optimization. These hours do NOT expire and are available on an as-needed basis until exhausted. Clients subscribed to pre-paid plans receive priority support (moved up in the job queue). When website updates and revisions are requested by a client, or if we receive a WordPress system alert that maintenance is needed, we scan for and perform any pending system updates available to maintain the security, integrity and functionality of your website. These updates can include .php version, plugins (software) and the WordPress core – and are subject to our hourly billing rates. 

NOTE: We are not responsible for the long-term integrity, functionality and security of a website that is not subscribed to an active maintenance plan. 

Learn more

According to research, delays in page load time could result in:

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16% decrease in customer satisfaction
  • 25% loss in conversions
  • Up to 32% increase in bounce rate

In fact, 47% of consumers expect websites to load in 2 seconds or less — and 40% will abandon a page that takes 3 or more seconds. And page load speed is one of the most important factors in your website’s SEO ranking.

Our Speed Optimization Package Includes:

  • Static content optimization
  • Database, .htaccess and .config files optimization
  • Localization of Google Fonts to reduce HTTP request count
  • Browser caching
  • Image compression 
  • JS Minification

The cost of speed optimization can vary greatly from website to website, typically starting at $105. Contact us for a quote.


Social Media is a marketing tool used to build awareness, engagement, loyalty and relationships with your audience. There are significant opportunities to achieve measurable gains within this medium. “On location” support available at our onsite rate: $75/hour.

  • Management of a variety of Social Media channels; Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google Business and/or Youtube, if your industry is a good candidate, to further build your brand, web site SEO, client loyalty and overall brand awareness.
  • Campaigns are carefully curated according to your industry, needs, goals and budget.
  • Provided on a month-to-month basis, no contract, however an initial 3-month minimum campaign is required.
  • Ongoing payments are due within 5 days of invoice receipt.
  • An additional budget for “boosting” to reach and grow your audience at a faster-than-organic speed is recommended.
  • Enhanced images and audio/video posts included.
  • Posts are curated from client-provided content (images, audio/video, promos/marketing materials, achievements, events, etc.) If you would like us to produce content and images on your behalf, contact us to discuss pricing.
  • 8-11 posts: $425 | 12-18 posts: $615 | 19-27 posts: $825 | 27-35 posts: $955

Customized plans to best suit your needs are available by request.
Learn more about the benefits of Social Media Marketing

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of enhancing the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engines unpaid results, often referred to as “organic” SEO – but organic SEO is not an instant fix. Successfully optimizing a website takes work, time and patience, as it could take several months before you see results. Our ORGANIC SEO packages include:

  • Meta Tag creation on each page
  • Header Tags
  • XML sitemap
  • Analytics and Webmaster Tools setup 
  • Robots.txt and Google bot crawls
  • Hyperlink and Anchor Tag optimization
  • Alt Tag optmization for images
  • WC3 error check/resolutions
  • 301 redirects
  • Canonicalization analysis
  • Google Schema validation

Additional Services:

  • Google Ads Setup, Optimization, & Management: $59/hour

Learn more

  • Logo design ($425 – $1150 or quoted by scope of project) is a vital aspect of the branding strategy of a company. When commissioned to design a logo and/or branding collateral for a business, we present several “concepts” for consideration and upon selection, your designs are further modified and perfected until complete satisfaction is achieved. Upon approval, your design will be provided in several high-resolution formats and color schemes for use in your marketing collateral. Once paid in full, client owns all rights to their logo.

    We’ve been designing logos, brochures, flyers, billboards and more for businesses across the planet for over 30 years. We offer impactful print and digital collateral focused on increasing your brand awareness. 

Learn more + view our portfolio

3rd Party Website Products + Setup, Optimization & Management:
 If you do not already have the products necessary to have a live website in place, we can acquire and set up/optimize on your behalf:

  • Domain name registration – $19/year

  • Website and email hosting – $99/year

  • SSL certificates (https) – $39/year

  • Domain/Web & Email Hosting/SSL bundle – $129/year

Business Consulting, Content Writing, Design/Marketing Training, or storage of your submitted files or website is NOT included in our design and marketing packages, however available by request & fee:

  • Business Branding/Marketing Consulting 
    You’re likely coming to us for support because you have or are thinking of starting a business. We are not business consultants. We create and manage projects utilizing our decades of experience, education and expertise in our industry to provide the absolute best possible solution – within your designated budget.
  • Content Writing – $59/hour or quoted project 
    You are the expert in your field and we are the expert in ours. While we provide content enhancement/optimization for your website and/or marketing collateral, we do not create initial content. 
  • WordPress Training – remote: $59/hour, onsite $95/hour
  • WordPress Website Backup with Cloud Storage – $69/year

    Note: You hosting services as storage for you website, however if you’d like to order a backup, place your order here.
  • We do not provide support for Squarespace, Wix, Shopify, G-Suite / Google Workspace. Please content the vendor for support.

Step 1: Browse our portfolio and services pages (accessible via the navigation menu on each page) to determine if we’re a good fit for your needs, then carefully  view our Terms and Conditions below. By proceeding, you are acknowledging you have done so.

Step 2: Send an email with your needs to studio@nolamediadesign.com or schedule a call, it’s totally up to you. Note: In-person meetings are offered in some circumstances/by request. The vast majority of our websites and social media campaigns are successfully provided on an off-site basis – you supply the content, we get curate it for web and/or marketing materials/digital campaigns.

Step 3: We provide a proposal and work with you to tweak if necessary to ensure you receive exactly what you need, within your budget.

Step 4: Submit a deposit or payment in full, depending on your chosen support level, along with content or logins we’ve advised will be needed – via email or a shared cloud service. Remember, you are the expert in your industry, and we are the expert in ours – therefore you must submit the core information for your website’s content.

Step 5: We begin your project in accordance to the proposed and accepted details and timeframe stated, typically within 48-72 hours. 

Ongoing Support:

  • Social Media clients agree to regularly submit content via email, text or a shared cloud service of your choice. Campaigns payments are due by the 5th of each month.
  • Website/Graphic Design clients: to request ongoing support after your website is launched, email your needs to  team@nolamediadesign.com to be placed into our support queue. Clients subscribed to a Prepaid Maintenance Plan receive priority support.
  • Schedule a Call: To best serve our prospects & clients and to manage projects efficiently, if you’d like to talk to us, we ask that all calls are scheduled @ calendly.com/nolamediadesign.



  • Remote Support: We provide design and marketing support remotely based on the content you provide.
  • Requesting Support: Submit support requests via emailWe process requests in the order received.
  • Our Availability: Studio hours are Monday–Thursday (8AM to 5PM) and Friday (8AM to 3PM).
  • Content Storage: Websites and client-provided content are not stored after project completion.
  • Project Deposits: A 50% minimum deposit is required to initiate website or graphic design projects.
  • Payment Methods: We accept various payment methods: nolamediadesign.com/payments
  • Late Payments: Overdue invoices (beyond 30 days) or missed payments for third-party products (by the provided expiration date) can result in: Support suspension, Removal of provided products/services, Late fees of 1.5% per month (on provided services), Reactivation fees for third-party products (starting at $79)
  • Unsupported Platforms: Squarespace, Wix, Shopify, G Suite/Google Workspace/Gmail, Google Ads.
  • Website Maintenance: We are not responsible for any websites not subscribed to a maintenance plan. These plans help to ensure long-term website integrity, functionality, and security.
  • Disclaimer: While we strive to elevate your brand awareness, we cannot guarantee specific results.

Copyright + Intellectual Property

We do not grant or authorize access to any website that we have designed to another designer. Duplication, re-use, or re-purposing of any website or portion of any website we have designed is prohibited. A “Website Designed by NOLA Media and Design” link is placed in the footer of websites we design. While this can be removed at the client’s request, another designer cannot replace our business name with theirs at any time.

Copyright law states that “The creator of a website’s design and content automatically becomes the legal owner of said assets. What the client owns outright is the text and photos they provided.” Intellectual property law dictates that “The completed product (website design) belongs to the creator of the work, not the business that paid for it.”

Note: We have no interest or benefit in “owning” a website that we have designed; however, website designs are protected by law from copying, duplication, or false claims by another designer.”


These terms help ensure that your web design project is completed on time and to your satisfaction.

  • Once a design sample is approved, the client has 30 days to provide content and modifications to complete the site and migrate it away from our staging server to a designated server.
  • Pages, features or changes requested outside of the scope of the project OR design phase timeframe are billable, via our hourly rate or a Prepaid Reduced Rate plan. Included content changes during “design phase” vary, refer to your approved proposal for details. 
  • Pending/abandoned website projects will be removed from our hosting server after 1 year of inactivity. If you’d like us to continue to host your pending project, hosting fees of $99/year will be due.
  • Billable hours will incur for any website that remains on our servers beyond the designated design phase due to necessary maintenance needed to keep the site’s software up- to-date and secure from threat to our server.


There is no contract for our design or marketing “services” however 3rd party “products” such as web hosting, email hosting, domain names, SSL certificates (https), and advanced/pro-versions of programs and plugins used to design your website or other collateral may require an annual financial commitment.

  • 3rd PARTY PRODUCT SUPPORT – In the event we have set up your 3rd party products for you, support hours will be incurred for various activities/support including but not limited to purchasing products on your behalf, annual renewals, client and vendor communication, product setup, modification and/or optimization. We do not directly provide “technical support” for vendor services. 
  • WEBSITE + EMAIL HOSTING is a 3rd party product subscription that is required to keep websites and email active, functional and secure. Hosting serves as storage for your website and email content. This space is not owned by you, but “rented” and renewable annually. If not renewed, the hosting vendor has the authority to delete your website files and email content from their servers. We do not automatically provide backup storage, however backups are available by request and fee. If you want a backup of your website, submit $69 via any payment method here PRIOR to expiration (once expired, the hosting vendor removes access to your files and they are scheduled for removal from their servers. Once deleted, files are not recoverable.
  • DOMAIN NAMES – Domain name registration is necessary for a website, email addresses and another web-related service to be active/accessible. If a domain name you have purchased is not renewed/expires, it will be placed into a ‘redemption period’. If the domain is not reinstated by you during this phase, it is then made available for purchase by others within 60-80 days after the expiration date (in rare cases, up to 120 days).
  • SSL CERTIFICATES (https) provide secure, encrypted communications between a website and an internet browser. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, the protocol which provides the encryption. SSL Certificates secure web site pages that allow visitors to submit information over the internet, such as contact information, credit card details or passwords. More info.
  • RENEWALS, LATE PAYMENTS + REMINDERS – if 3rd party products expire, the product vendor may require late/restoration fees prior to re-activation. If your products expire and our support is needed to work with vendors on your behalf to restore them, hourly rates for our services will be charged. We are in no way obligated to use our resources to repeatedly send reminders regarding 3rd party product renewals.